Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Trials for Jr. hockey selection begins

LAHORE: The two-day trials for the selection of Pakistan Junior Hockey Team started here on Monday at National Hockey Stadium where 90 players appeared. The selected players will attend a training camp for the build up of the team to take part in a 4-nation tournament being played from March 12-15 in Malaysia followed by a similar tournament in Egypt from March 21-27 and a tour of Europe in summer. “ Five sessions of trials were held and players were watched thoroughly on different position “,said chief coach of the junior team, former hockey Olympian, Khawaja Junaid while talking to media. He said six sessions of trials will also be held to finalise list of players. Chairman Selection Committee Hassan Sardar, members Farhat Khan, Khalid Bashir, Muhammad Shafiq, Junior team coaches Ahmad Alam, Danish Kaleem and Secretary PHF Muhammad Asif Bajwa observed the trials. He said 28 to 30 players will be retained to attend the camp at Islamabad from February 12 and final selection of the team will be made on February 18

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